APPDAT is a software factory for cloud-native applications and services, a “programmable Platform-as-a-Service” (pPaaS)", APPDAT supports the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC), from agile project planning into operations, as a security first software supply chain tool.

Tech: Kubernetes, Terraform, Gitlab CI/CD, Keycloak, Trivy, Istio, Helm, Kustomize


The NASA STI Program uses the Scientific, Technical and Research Information discoVEry System (STRIVES) to submit, review and approval publicly funded research across all 10 NASA field centers.

Tech: Angular, C#, PostgreSQL, Gotenburg, Apache Tika, Elasticsearch, Kubernetes (EKS)

NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

NASA's internal public research repository, houses over over 4.3 million metadata records and over 500K full-text documents from the past 50+ years.

Tech: Kubernetes (EKS), NodeJS/NestJS API, Hybrid SSR rendered Angular application, Elastisearch

Concert Genetics - Genetic Test Ordering Platform

Ordering Platform for Genetic Tests - My primary focus during my time at Concert Genetics. I worked extensively on the Search, Compare, and Ordering components of Concert Genetic's online platform for ordering genetic tests. My immediate technical focus was on the JavaScript development, but I was also the engineering project owner and worked extensively to drive engineering planning as well as engage product owners.

Tech: Angular single page application deployed on S3, backed by APIs in NodeJS, C#, utilizing PostgreSQl, RethinkdDB and Elasticsearch.

Nightwatcher - Home Automation Dashboard

My personal home automation dashboard. Used primarily as a way of exploring new technology with a real world problem. Also I use it regularly as it is hooked into my home automation setup.

Tech: Angular application written with a NodeJS backend API, communicating to a MQTT server with persistence in RethinkDB. Deployed on Google Cloud using Kubernetes.

Treehouse EDC

Everyday Carry blog - I created this primarily as a way to explore the SEO world. It is an amazon affiliate site, but also somewhat of a creative outlet as I enjoy taking pictures and I am passionate about the outdoors.

Tech: Ghost on DigitalOcean

Huntsville Huckfest

Event website for the Huntsville Ultimate Club's annual tournament, Huckfest.

Tech: Static Site